Lisa Stinocher O'Hanlon is a native of southern Minnesota, and has been working as a self-employed artist across the tri-state region for almost thirty years. The bulk of my current work showing includes one-of-a-kind artisan accessories for both men and women. All work displayed is handcrafted by the artist and carries a guarantee. Most components are made by me, some are found objects, others are high quality handcrafted pieces from other artisans in the trade.
The original root meaning of ‘to bead’ was ‘to pray’.
I use the presentation of my work to reach people. I combine religious, cultural, and political history, mysticism, and symbolism throughout my work and my signage.
Jewelry has a huge historical and spiritual significance for us, it has come through humanity as glittery, shiny reflections of who we were, who we are, and who we are to become. It’s always been there.
I sell small, tangible pieces of my life. I like to see people being reminded - of loved ones, of their pasts, of their present, of their hope for the future, and that they are strong. I like people to leave my booth full of questions about themselves and about the world. I see it in their faces, I don't believe in politics. I believe in waking people up. That's my only agenda.
I merge fiber, beads, found objects, and wire into wearable accessories using symbols, colors, and textures which rouse emotion and spirituality for the wearer. I emphasize the nature and integrity of my materials; and I try to raise political, cultural, spiritual, and self awareness through my product lines. I strive to effectively and independently provide financial support for my family and my business by and through my own creative processes.
Silver Spirit Mission Statement:
To demonstrate and celebrate the worth and potential of the human hand.
And of course, to provide talismans and gifts that represent special symbolic
meanings for people and their lives; and therefore to actuate vision through
their eyes, and furthermore... to remind spirits that they are connected to Nature and to bring her song into their hearts, which leads to bring delight and certainty to the human condition.. and wherefore, ultimately to spread peace, hope, love, understanding, and happiness all across the land.